sábado, 26 de diciembre de 2009

Why I’m in a Hunger Strike Outside of the White House?

I'm Rodolfo Macias Cabrera, architect by training, directing a small newspaper (monthly printed 5000 examples and daily online), in San Antonio for ten years, Director of Ingles Individual (Learn English second language) and former Provisional President of Mexico in exile (July1, 1989-Dec 1, 1994). My wife, my children and I who I raised here are undocumented and now in process for deportation because double moral standards of US government.

I am on Hunger Strike, day 14, here in DC as my most urgent possible prayer for the miracle of political asylum so my wife and I are not again tortured by the Mexican government, and of Immigration Reform Legislation as promised by President Barack Hussein Obama so that my family is not destroyed, and the families of other good people are not destroyed.  I pray to God for the miracle of press visibility of our cause, of my Hunger Strike, so that people of good will in America and DC will contact me and that together we will work this miracle.

This would be the second miracle – the first being a Pulitzer Prize winning photo (above) of my “illegal” immigration with the world, and Bill Clinton looking on.  The first miracle began on August 27, 1992, when I jumped in the river in San Antonio, Texas for give a letter after said a few words face to face with Governor Bill Clinton (next President of the US). God give me this miracle after prayer with my nicks and head in the floor.  Associated Press take photo and printed most important newspaper in the world and granted Award Pulitzer.

I said to Bill Clinton if not change the policy with corrupt Mexican government in a few years have not thousands, not hundreds, but millions of Mexicans immigrants. Clinton not listens to me.  And now there are millions.


Now, I'm here outside to the White House in a Hunger Strike. I don’t want a second time for the Mexican government to torture and kidnapping my wife Maria Elena and me as they did in front to the National Palace in the center (Zocalo) of the city of Mexico in 1990.  And I want to do my utmost to be alongside the good man President Obama, that the will of his heart, expressed during his presidential campaign, for immediate, meaningful immigration reform take place now, before my family and I are destroyed.


Please contact me.  I can be reached at:

Email: sanewspaper@yahoo.com

Cell phone: 210-409-3341

YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/mysanews (interview of me)

Photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/45159264@N05/

Web site (provisional): http://www.blogger.com/mysanews 

Web Ads in SAnewspaper : http://web.me.com/sanews/Sanewspaper.com/Welcome.html

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